Door & Intercom

Have you ever forgot your Home keys?

Smart door locks and intercoms are security solutions that use smart home technology to provide convenience, security, and peace of mind. Here are some of the features and benefits of smart door locks and intercoms:

Smart Door Locks:

Keyless entry:
With a smart door lock, you can unlock your door using a smartphone app or a code, eliminating the need for physical keys.

Remote access:
Smart door locks can be controlled remotely, allowing you to lock or unlock your door from anywhere.

Smart door locks allow you to create unique access codes for different people, so you can control who has access to your home or business and when.


Two-way communication:
Intercoms allow you to communicate with visitors at your door without opening it, providing an additional layer of security and convenience.

Video monitoring:
Some intercoms come with video monitoring capabilities, allowing you to see who is at your door before deciding whether to let them in or not.

Remote access:
Some intercoms can be controlled remotely, allowing you to answer your door from anywhere and speak with visitors even when you're not at home.

Overall, smart door locks and intercoms provide convenience, security, and peace of mind by allowing you to control access to your home or business and communicate with visitors at your door.